Dr. Thomas Schleker
Policy Officer, DG Research & Innovation
European Commission
Panelist at:
- Session 1 – Storage Policy & Regulation
Dr. Thomas Schleker, (PhD in Biochemistry, University of Basel) works as policy officer at the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in the fields of Bioenergy, Renewable Fuels, Hydropower, Storage and Energy Systems, where he contributes to the development and implementation of relevant R&I policies, programmes, and actions for the Clean Energy Transition.
He chairs also the Commission-internal technical expert interservice group of the JRC BIOMASS study.
For the European Commission Thomas participates in the Executive Committee of the IEA Hydropower TCP.
Before joining the European Commission Thomas studied biology (Diplom-Biologe) as well as business management (Diplom-Kaufmann) followed by an academic career in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics and a position as Cluster Manager (Prokurist) at a regional business cluster of Renewable Raw Materials.